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About Me


As a person of curiosity, I have always been fascinated by the mechanism of our brain. How each neuro fits perfectly forming a grid, thinking, and learning our whole lives. After, the explosion of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, one of the major obstacles has been textual understanding and Sentiment Analysis in the field of  NLP. There are continuous research and development in modelling machines to understand natural text and human emotions. Even today we have not been able to decode the working of the human brain and its sciences. As Dave Waters has said, " A baby learns to crawl, walk and then run. we are at the crawling stage when it comes to machine learning."



I have always been passionate about helping other communities. But the one cause that I believe i must voice against is GENDER EQUALITY. We are in the 21st century and this inequality is greater than ever. We are witnessing a huge crash down of female participation in STEM fields, Management roles, and many other job roles.

Women are being discouraged to build a career in more or less any field. And even those who do take up these roles, they are paid Less than the males in the same field. And as a female student in STEM, I feel I share a responsibility towards those who do not have access to the same facilities as I have. I want to spread the voice of those who have achieved something but are not admired so that they can be role models for those who believe Boys Build Cars

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About My Initiative

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